Orders can take 1-2 business days to process before shipping. Once your order has been placed your shipping option cannot be changed.
Shipping service varies based on destination country. International orders may experience delays in customs. Customers are solely responsible for all duties, import taxes and brokerage fees. These are not included in the cost of shipping or handling of your order. Customs, duties, and taxes vary widely from country to country; please check with your local customs agency for details on estimated costs. If you refuse a shipment because of unexpected import fees, shipping charges will not be refunded (but we are happy to work with you to get the goods back to your door). Please note that orders shipping to an APO address may be delivered outside of the standard shipping window. It's possible for tracking updates to stop at point of country exit when the package is handed off to the Military Postal Service Agency.
If your tracking hasn't updated in over two weeks, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we'll be happy to help.