Mecha provides computing hardware backed with extensive software
support that promises no limits to what you can build.
Build your application in programming stacks that run on any modern Linux distro.
Onboard hardware security to ensure your private keys, trust certificates are safely stored.
All our housing parts and extensions are available as 3D-printable files.
Use our cloud services to automate security, remote access and telemetry within minutes not days.
We believe that only open-source software can drive computing further and we would like to play our part. Check out some of our favourite projects here:
github/mecha-orgAt Mecha, we are set on a course to build an open source and inclusive computing platform that inspires you to innovate and explore.
While doing so, we want to remain cognitive of our impact on the environment and ensure sustainability is not overlooked at all times.
We value your privacy as much as our own, also with transparency and the right intent.
Repair focussed design ensuring parts can be replaced easily with minimal skills and tools.
Prefer recycled or recyclable material, and minimise use of climate impacting materials.
Build products that you can keep using without worry of obsoletion, even without our intervention.
If you have a open-source project in mind that can be built with or for Mecha, we will help you build it, it’s that simple.
Early Access to hardware
Build with Mecha
Online meet-ups