Mecha automates identity for your machines, using X509 certificates signed by our certificate authority. The private key is further secured in the machine using hardware trust anchors.
The certificate issued to the machine is accessible via the Console and the API that you can use for sending encrypted communication to your machine.
The Mecha Cloud Agent exposes an OpenTelemetry compatible endpoint that can collect metrics and logs exported locally via any application on your machine.
These metrics and logs are then sent via our messaging bus to your private Grafana tenant for consumption, they can be forwarded to your own observability backend as well.
Get mesh networking (powered by Wireguard®) out-of-the-box with the Agent and have ‘local’ IP addresses assigned to your machines on the edge and cloud for hybrid architectures.
Further secure your network using our ‘Bring-your-own’ Network Key, that enables end-to-end encryption over the discovery and ‘signaling’ process of the nodes.
App Gateways are wormholes for services or applications running on your machines and making them reachable via the internet (or intranet) by working as automated HTTP proxies.
The App Gateways work directly on the HTTP transport layer, making the messages and data are relayed to-from your machines in real-time streaming.
28th October, Raleigh, North Carolina
The Mecha Cloud is currently in beta and available for personal and commercial usage. Reach out to us for more advanced use-cases.
Setup upto 25 machines
Full access to all features
Community support
Fair usage restrictions may apply on certain features
Private Cloud Deployments
Enterprise support
Custom integrations