Last Modified to 4th January, 2025
Effective Date - September 1,2024
Thank you for using Mecha!
This Privacy Policy applies when you use Mecha’s Platform and tells you, amongst other things, about:
Mecha’s Privacy Policy will be applicable if you use our “Platform”, which means our applications,,, and/or other domains or websites operated by Mecha, any other services and content. “Mecha”, “we”, “our”, or “us” in this Privacy Policy refers to Mecha.
For purposes of data protection laws, Mecha is the “Data Controller” of your personal data. We will refer to countries in the European Union (EU) and the European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland collectively as the “European Countries” in this Privacy Policy.
You are requested to not use the Mecha’s Platform in case you do not want Mecha to collect, store, use, or share your data in the ways described in our Privacy Policy.
We may make amendments to this Privacy Policy and post the latest version on our Platform. Any material changes will be posted and notified to you on the Platform prior to the change becoming effective. Your use of the Platform after the effective change in the Privacy Policy will be subject to the amended Privacy Policy.
Any data that is provided directly to Mecha’s Platform will be stored in Mecha’s systems, and we may use that data for the purposes described in this Privacy Policy. For using our Platform, you may be asked to give us the following:
When you use our Platform, we will collect data in connection with the ways in which you use and interact with our Platform, such as:
Mecha has the right to access in real-time, record, and/or store archives of the above collected data on Mecha’s servers to make use of them for:
We will seek your prior consent on the above, wherever prior consent is required by law.
All the billing and financial data in connection with any purchases made on our Platform, including our website and app shops such as Google Play or iTunes, will be collected by our third-party payment processor. They will collect the data to process charges for the payments made. The data collected by them may include:
No financial data like credit card numbers is shared with Mecha by Mecha’s payment processors; however, they may share any non-financial data with us related to your purchases, like:
Any purchases made using Mecha’s platform on connected third-party applications or other platforms (like Facebook, Apple, Google, or Amazon) will be processed by that third-party application or platform and the purchase will be subject to that third-party application or platform’s terms of service and privacy policy documents. In connection with such purchases, Mecha never receives any data related to financial information, but Mecha may receive any non-financial data related to such purchases, like:
The data Mecha receives depends on the Mecha Platform you’re using and the third-party application. Our policies and terms related to charges and billing are described in Mecha’s Terms and Conditions.
Mecha is always there to provide help through our Customer Support team. When you contact our Customer Support team, our team will collect and store the data you provide, such as:
For providing support and improving the Platform, Mecha will also store all the communications you may have with our Customer Service team and any additional data in such communications.
Mecha will allow log in to our Platform through sign-in services such as ‘Sign in with GitHub’. These services may pre-populate our sign-up form, authenticate your identity information, provide an option to share personal information such as your name and email address with us. All the data received by Mecha depends on the Mecha’s service you’re using, the third-party application, your privacy settings. Indicatively, Mecha may collect and store the following from connected third-party applications:
Indicatively, Mecha may collect and store the following from connected third-party applications:
If you access our Platform from a third-party application or connect our Platform to a third-party application, you should also read that third-party application’s terms of service and privacy policy.
If you are unclear about what data a third-party application is sharing with us, please go to the third-party application to find out more about their privacy practices.
In order to recognize you and your device(s) across different Platforms and devices, Mecha uses cookies and other similar technologies such as pixel tags, beacons, clear gifs, and device identifiers. Mecha allows others to use cookies and similar technologies. Mecha allows you to control or opt out from the use of cookies and similar technologies that track your behavior on the sites of others for third-party advertising. Please see our Cookie Notice for further information on this. Mecha and its partners use cookies and other similar technologies to collect and analyze certain kinds of technical data, including:
Mecha may connect, in some cases, the above data with your social network or Mecha user ID.
For understanding how to adjust your preferences, please see the section on How to Access, Update, and Manage Your Personal Data.
For purposes included but not limited to developing, manufacturing, and/or marketing goods or the Mecha Platform, Mecha may use the content of any interactions or communications submitted by you on Mecha Platform, including any concepts, inventions, ideas, techniques, or know-how disclosed therein.
Mecha will keep your name confidential and will not publicize or advertise the fact that you submitted materials or other information to us unless:
Mecha uses your data under several legal bases, including for performing our contract with you, for Mecha’s legitimate business interests, for complying with our legal obligations, or otherwise we use it with your consent.
The collected and stored data may be used:
If you are located in the European Countries (as defined above in Section 1), our legal basis for collecting and using the data described above depends on what the data is and the context in which we collect it.
However, we will normally collect data from you only where we need it to perform our contract with you (i.e., our Terms of Service), where the processing is in our legitimate interests (provided that these aren’t overridden by your interests or rights), or if we otherwise have your consent.
In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation or need to collect data from you or may otherwise need the personal data to protect your vital interests or those of another person (for example, another user).
If we ask you to provide data to comply with a legal requirement or to perform a contract with you, this will be clear from the context in which we are asking you to provide your data (for example, when we ask you to provide a username to access our Platform, this will be to create an account for you in accordance with our Terms of Service), and, if not, we will provide an explanation to you at the relevant time. We will also make clear whether providing data is mandatory.
Similarly, if we collect and use your data in connection with our legitimate interests (or those of any third party), it will be made clear to you at the relevant time what those legitimate interests are (such as personalizing our services and marketing, etc.).
We may share your data, including personal data, with third parties or allow third parties to collect this data from our Platform in the following circumstances:
Mecha’s Platform support and often encourage you to interact with other users.
In many Mecha Platform, other users, regardless of whether they are your social network friends, will be able to:
In addition, in many Mecha Platform, other users, regardless of whether they are your social network friends, will be able to:
Mecha may access and monitor all your data including contents of all of your online communications in our Platform and between you and Mecha for providing our Service. Mecha may further disclose your data:
MMecha may share your data with third-party companies who may perform following on our behalf, such as
We ensure that we have appropriate agreements in place to protect your data as required by applicable data protection laws especially wherever we share your data with third-party service providers and business partners.
Please note that we may disclose or transfer all of your data, including personal data, to the successor organization in the transition in the event that Mecha undergoes or evaluates undergoing a business transition, like a merger, acquisition by another company, or sale of all or part of its assets (like selling a game), Before transferring your personal data, we will make reasonable efforts to let you and other users know of the business transition in the way described in Changes to Our Privacy Policy.
Additionally, with your consent, we may share your data with other third parties or allow them to collect your data from our Platform in some ways not specifically described in this Privacy Policy.
If you are located in the European Countries (defined above in Section 1), you have the following data protection rights:
To exercise your rights to access or deletion, please submit a request to us at[email protected]. If you have any other problems or would like to exercise any of your other rights, you can contact us at[email protected]. We respond to all data protection requests we receive in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
To review and update personal data associated with your Mecha user profile. Visit the ‘Account Settings’ page in the Console.
If you want to review or delete personal data associated with your account data, please submit a request to us at[email protected].
For deletion requests, we will take reasonable measures to delete your personal data from our records. If you have sent content through or posted content on the Platform, we may not be able to delete it. We will keep certain records (e.g., personal data relating to payments or customer service matters) where we need (and have rights) to, such as for legal or accounting purposes. We will also keep data in order to exercise, defend, or establish our rights.
To exercise your rights to access or deletion, please submit a request to us at[email protected]. If you have any other problems or would like to exercise any of your other rights, you can contact us at[email protected]. We respond to all data protection requests we receive in accordance with applicable data protection laws.
If you want to stop receiving promotional e-mails from Mecha, click on the “unsubscribe” link at the bottom of any promotional email from Mecha or visit our Email Settings page. Your unsubscribe request or e-mail preferences change will be processed promptly, and in no event longer than ten business days. During that processing period, you may receive additional promotional emails from us.
Please note that if you opt out of receiving promotional communications from us, we may still communicate with you from time to time if we need to provide you with data about the Platform you are using from us, if we need to request data from you with respect to a transaction initiated by you, or for other legitimate non-marketing reasons, for example, if we update this Privacy Policy or our Terms of Service.
Most of our Platform are not intended for children under the age of 13 (or under 16 for children located in the European Countries) (collectively, “Children”). Children are not permitted to use these Platform, and we do not knowingly collect any personal data from Children.
Though our Platform do not target Children as the primary audience, we may collect age data before allowing a user to proceed for certain Platform. For users who identify themselves as Children in our age-gate on such Platform, if we allow Children to use the Platform, we will either provide a version of that Service that does not collect, use, or disclose “personal data” (as defined in the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (“COPPA”)), except as permitted by COPPA, or obtain legally valid parental consent.
If we learn that we have inadvertently gathered personal data that is not subject to a COPPA exception from a Child, we will take reasonable measures to promptly remove that data from our records.
IMPORTANT: When you use our platform, your personal data may be sent to United States and possibly other countries.
As part of our international operations, we may transfer personal data to our “Affiliated Entities,” which are any other corporate entities under common ownership with Mecha, or to our business partners and service providers from time to time for our legitimate business purposes. For example, Mecha provides certain services to its Affiliated Entities.
We store personal data about you and visitors to our sites on servers located in the United States, and we may also store this data on servers and equipment in other countries. Personal data collected in the European Countries may be transferred to, and stored at, a destination outside of the European Countries. The data we hold may also be processed by employees operating outside of the European Countries who work for us, one of our Affiliated Entities, or one of our business partners or service providers. This staff may be engaged in, among other things, (i) the processing of transactions and your payment details, or (ii) the provision of support services.
When we transfer your personal data internationally we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal data is treated securely, lawfully, and in the manner, we describe here. Please note that laws vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, so the privacy laws applicable to the places where your data is transferred to or stored, used, or processed in, may be different from the privacy laws applicable to the place where you are resident.
How long we retain your personal data depends on why we collected it and how we use it, but we will not retain your personal data for longer than is necessary for our business purposes or for legal requirements.
We will retain personal data about you and connected with your account and/or the Platform you use from us for as long as you have an active account with us. We will take reasonable measures to delete this personal data if you delete your account. However, you acknowledge that we may retain some data after you have closed, or we have deleted, your account with us where necessary to enable us to meet our legal obligations or to exercise, defend, or establish our rights.
We implement reasonable and appropriate security measures to help protect the security of your data both online and offline and to ensure that your data is treated securely and in accordance with this Privacy Policy. These measures vary based upon the sensitivity of your data.
If you have an account registered directly with Mecha, your profile data is protected by the password you use to access your Mecha account. It is important that you protect and maintain your Mecha account’s security and that you immediately tell us of any unauthorized use of your account. If you forget the password to your Mecha account, the Platform allow you to request that instructions be sent to you that explain how to reset your password. If you access our Platform through a social network and your social network account is hacked or otherwise compromised, this may lead to someone accessing or deleting your Mecha accounts without your permission. So, be careful to keep your social network account data, including your social network account password, secure as well. We urge you to log out of your Mecha account and any social network account you have used to access our Platform when you are finished using them.
When you sign into your Mecha account or enter payment data, we and our third-party payment processor use encryption to transmit that data.
While we take precautions against possible security breaches of our Platform and our customer databases and records, no website or Internet transmission is completely secure. We cannot guarantee that unauthorized access, hacking, data loss, or other breaches will never occur, and we cannot guarantee the security of your data while it is being transmitted to our Service. Any transmission is at your own risk.
If you have questions about data protection, or if you have any requests for resolving issues with your personal data, we request you to contact us so that we can reply to you more swiftly and efficiently.
Name of the Controller: Shoaib Merchant
Address:Mecha Systems Inc. 5742 Steutermann Road Washington, MO - 63090, USA
Email: [email protected]Name of the Controller: Anjali Potdar
Address: Mecha Systems Private Limited, 2nd Floor, Action House, Vadsar Bridge, Makarpura, Vadodara, Gujarat - 390010, India.
Email: [email protected]If you have any questions, comments, or concerns regarding our Privacy Policy and/or privacy practices, please send an e-mail to [email protected].